Balanced Magnetic Switch (BMS)

The magnetic switches are the most ubiquitous security devices in the world, used for Both doors and windows protection. They consist of a magnet, which is installed on a door or window, and a switch unit, which is installed on the frame or jamb. When the door or window is in the closed position, the created circuit is closed; when the door or window is opened, the circuit is open, which causes an alarm to be initiated. A Balanced Magnetic Switch (BMS) employs a magnet in both the switch and magnet units. The switch unit, which contains a magnetic reed switch, a bias magnet, and tamper/supervisory circuitry, is mounted on the stationary part of the door or window unit. The component containing the larger permanent magnet is mounted on the movable part of the door or window, adjacent to the switch unit installed on the frame or jamb when the door is closed. With the door or window closed, the magnets are adjusted to create a magnetic loop, causing the reed switch to experience a magnetic field of essentially zero. When the door or window is opened and the magnetic field is removed, the contacts will separate and trigger an alarm indicating a security breach. In some models, this magnetic field is accomplished by adjusting the bias magnet; in other models the adjustment is made by varying the position of the magnetic unit with respect to the switch unit.
Any action that causes the magnetic field to become unbalanced, such as opening the Door or window, results in the transfer of the reed switch to the “closed” position and an alarm output. The same result is obtained if an external magnet is brought into the vicinity of the BMS, thus changing the magnetic field. This is First Generation BMS. A newer BMS codes multiple magnets in each unit; thus, each BMS is matched and the defeat of the BMS is nearly impossible. However, fixing a switch in a BMS that has a coded configuration requires that the BMS be completely replaced with another matched pair. This is conventional BMS.

Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Classification

To ensure transmission line security, when the transmission line leaves the facility and traverses an uncontrolled area, Class I or Class II line supervision should be used.

UL Class I (or UL Level I)

Class I transmission line security is the security achieved through the use of a data Encryption system or an algorithm based on the cipher feedback or cipher block chaining mode of encryption. To ensure Class I transmission line security, the data encryption system used must be certified by the National Institute of Standards and Technology or another independent testing laboratory.

UL Class II (or UL Level II)

Class II transmission line security refers to systems in which the transmission is based on pseudo random-generated tones or digital encoding using an interrogation and response scheme throughout the entire communication, or Underwriters Laboratories Class AA line supervision. The signal must not repeat itself within a minimum 6-month period. Class II transmission line security must also be protected against compromise using resistance, voltage, current, or signal substitution techniques.

Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)

Intrusion detection and assessment systems are an integral part of any physical protection system. Detection and assessment provide a basis for the initiation of an effective security response. Intrusion detection systems (IDS) should be designed to facilitate the detection of attempted and actual unauthorized entry into designated areas and should complement the security response by providing the security force with prompt notification of the detected activity from which an assessment can be made and a response initiated. The method(s) of detection and assessment selected for implementation should be robust and be capable of providing the highest level of protection for the specific application. In the design of the detection and assessment aspects of a physical protection system, various methodologies should be incorporated to provide a fully integrated detection capability. The integration of various detection and assessment methodologies not only contributes to a superior detection and assessment capability, but also provides multiple overlapping layers that support each other if one method fails.
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) is a security monitoring system that will gather and analyze data from various areas within a system or network to identify/detect possible intrusions and/or misuse. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) perform a wide array of functions.

Magnetometer (3D-BMS)

3D Balanced High Security Magnetometer Systems (3D-BMS), Introduced from 2011, are the only known intelligent 3D Magnetometer security intergrated devices. The complex shape of the magnetic field surrounding the sensors and REM actuators are analyzed by advanced proprietary algorithms to detect defeat attempts. Any disturbances in its field of view generate an alarm state. After overcoming conventional BMS defect, Magneto-Meter (3D-BMS) become top security and high reliability devices in IDS Protection and Burglar Alarm Systems (BAS) .